Etikettarkiv: penguin

Bookcamp, en annorlunda konferens om böcker

Erik Stattin skriver om Bookcamp som anordnas i London nu till helgen. Bookcamp är en annorlunda konferens om böcker och teknikutveckling. Det är bokförlaget Penguin Books som ligger bakom konferensen. På deras Penguinblogg kan man läsa om bakgrunden till initiativet. Så här beskriver organisatörerna vad Bookcamp handlar om:

Bookcamp is a user-generated conference sponsored by Penguin UK and focussed on books and book-like technologies. The purpose of Bookcamp will be to consider the future of the Book as an object and examine its ongoing role as a delivery mechanism for stories, information and entertainment. Participants and self-selected guests will choose the agenda for the day, forming breakup groups to discuss and potentially create future book technologies.

Några av de rubriker som olika användare föreslagit att man ska diskutera på konferensen är:

Creating Future Readers – suggested by Kevin O’Neill.
James Bridle’s Possible Topics – comments welcome.
Building Communities of Readers (and Writers) – suggested by Hugh McGuire
How can we encourage more reading ?- suggested by Adrian Hon
Book Design for Digital
Talking to Terrified Writers – suggested by Naomi Alderman
Why Everything On The Internet Is The Opposite Of How It Is In Print – suggested by Mary Harrington
Designing The Socialised Book – suggested by Tom Armitage
What Coralie and Alan are likely to talk about
Spoken Culture, Web Culture, Written Culture– suggested by Michael Bhaskar
Encouraging Publishers to Innovate – suggested by Peter Collingridge
Libraries: what are they good for? – suggested by Anne Ward
Playing with words – suggested by Chris Meade
What Can The Techies Bring To This? – asked by Nic Gibson

På konferensen kommer även Papercamp att hålla till. Där är det papper och teknik som står i fokus. Den här typen av intiativ där gränsen mellan producenter och konsumenter suddas ut kommer vi få se mycket mera av framöver tror jag.